Luscii Web App - Operational
Luscii Web App
Luscii Android App - Operational
Luscii Android App
Luscii iOS App - Operational
Luscii iOS App
Luscii Integrations - Degraded performance
Luscii Integrations
Luscii Metabase - Operational
Luscii Metabase
Customer portal - Operational
Customer portal
Notice history
Aug 2024
No notices reported this month
Jul 2024
- ResolvedResolvedThis incident has been resolved.
- MonitoringMonitoring
The issue has been resolved. We will monitor the fix. Our apologies for the inconvenience. A Post-Mortem will be made and shared.
- IdentifiedIdentified
This problem only affects organisations in the Netherlands.
There is an issue with linking existing patients between HiX and Luscii via Zorgplatform. When registering a patient for a Luscii program and linking to an existing Luscii account (an account that previously had a HiX-Luscii workflow), the new workflow becomes inactive immediately.Problem Details:
Initially, everything appears to be in order, and the patient's account is displayed correctly.
After refreshing the screen with external apps, the external activity definition moves to inactive apps.
This issue only occurs with Luscii accounts that previously had a HiX-Luscii workflow.
New accounts or accounts without a previous workflow link correctly.
Our developers are working on a solution for the issue. Currently there is not a workaround.
Please contact for further questions.
- ResolvedResolvedThis incident has been resolved.
- MonitoringMonitoring
The issue has been resolved. We advise restarting Luscii web for the solution to take effect immediately. We are monitoring the solution.
- UpdateUpdate
A solution has been created by our developers and is currently being tested by our testers.
- IdentifiedIdentified
There is a problem in the web application. For some instruments, it is not possible to open the measurements (when clicking on the three dots on the patient page followed by 'View measurements'). This is an optical error in the web application, all measurements and alerts are coming through correctly.Current status:
Our developers are working on a solution.Advice:
For now, retrieve the data from the graph if needed.For further questions, please contact
Jun 2024
- ResolvedResolvedThis incident has been resolved.
- MonitoringMonitoring
The issue has been resolved and equipment can be ordered again. We apologize for the inconvenience. If additional equipment is needed for patients affected by the issue, it can be ordered separately via
- InvestigatingInvestigating
Currently, there is a problem within the application that prevents ordering measurement equipment for patients during registration. We are investigating the cause of the issue. If measurement equipment is needed for a patient, please email with the required equipment and the patient's UUID.
- ResolvedResolvedThis incident has been resolved.
- MonitoringMonitoring
In the latest update of the Thuismeten app (Android version 5.51.0), we have made improvements to restore the connection with the iHealth Track.
The Thuismeten app only accepts recent measurements. If the measurement time deviates by more than an hour from the actual time, it will not be accepted.
The time on the iHealth Track can be set, but it resets if the device loses power. On Android, the time was not automatically set.
In version 5.51.0 of the Thuismeten app, the ability to automatically set the time on the iHealth Track during the first measurement has been added. Previously, this was only possible on iOS.
The SDK automatically sets the correct time on the device during the first measurement.
This only works with iHealth Track devices with firmware versions 2.0 and 3.0.
Older models with firmware version 1.0 (over 5 years old) can only work by first connecting to an iOS device and then to an Android device. This is because the time cannot be set on Android for firmware 1.0 (firmware version can be found through the iHealth app).
Manually setting the time does not work for submitting measurements.
We are monitoring the solution, and if you have any questions, please contact
We expect version 5.51.0 to be available to all Android users on Wednesday, August 21. - UpdateUpdate
The issue with submitting blood pressure measurements with an iHealth Track appears to be caused by problems with the iHealth SDK (Software Development Kit). Our developers are unable to get the SDK working within the Luscii app. We are in contact with iHealth's developers to resolve this.
For further questions, please contact
- InvestigatingInvestigating
Our developers have spent a lot of time searching for a solution to the problem, but unfortunately, we have not been able to find one yet. The investigation is ongoing.
For further questions, please contact
- IdentifiedIdentified
We have identified an issue where some patients cannot submit blood pressure and heart rate via Bluetooth using the iHealth Track. This issue is prioritized as a priority 4 issue. Although the feature is used daily by patients, the Bluetooth connection with a measuring device is not part of the core functionalities of the Luscii app and patients can send in measurements manually.
A priority 4 issue will be addressed once higher urgency and importance projects are resolved. Our developers will start working on this problem in the upcoming development round, which begins on Monday.
Proactive communication regarding this issue will only take place via InStatus.
For further questions, please contact
- ResolvedResolvedThis incident has been resolved.
- MonitoringMonitoring
We have identified the issue in 0,06% of the total active patient population. These patients have been restored by our developers. Additionally, we have set up monitoring to quickly identify such issues when they occur.
The problem has been occurring since either the activation date or the last group change of the patient. The organizations of these patients will be informed this evening via email about which patients are affected and since when.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
For further questions, please contact
- InvestigatingInvestigating
A new incident has been identified in the production environment. Some patients are incidentally not receiving messages because the 'message function is not configured' (this notification also appears when the messages for these specific patients are opened). The issue affects both direct messages from caregivers as well as group messages and messages from workflows.
Luscii Actions:
Identify which patients are affected by this issue.
Manually correct the affected patients.
Inform the relevant hospitals.
Messages work through a separate system, so this issue does not affect alert generation. The affected patients can still generate alerts, and caregivers can receive them. Hence, the classification is "high" (score 3).
A similar issue can occur with caregiver accounts, but there are nuances. If the notification appears, only that specific caregiver cannot send messages to that specific patient. Messages from other caregivers, group messages, and workflow messages will still be delivered.
We ask you to wait until we have clearly identified which patients are affected by this issue.
For further questions, please contact