Luscii - Prio 4 issue: On Android 5.51.0 comments added to measurements are added to the messaging tab – Incident details

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Prio 4 issue: On Android 5.51.0 comments added to measurements are added to the messaging tab

Degraded performance
Started 24 days ago


Luscii Android App

Degraded performance from 2:24 PM to 12:00 AM

  • Investigating

    An issue has been identified in the application. When a comment is added during a measurement in the new Android version of the Luscii app (version 5.51.0), this comment appears in the messages tab in both Luscii Web and the mobile apps. The rollout of version 5.51.0 has been halted at 20%, meaning this issue can only affect 20% of patients with Android. Our developers are working on a solution to the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.